Want to learn to code build your own business or grow your following? You get it — it’s all on YouTube. With m+ daily active users YouTube is the place to be for creators building their channels and honing their craft. And every day new talented creators enter the ring vying for those millions of eyeballs. So how do you find high-quality creators amid all the noise? Lucky for you the HubSpot YouTube Network is the video destination for business builders offering a compilation of YouTube series that enable audiences to watch learn and grow their businesses.
Here are five talented YouTube creators from our network you should be watching right Email Marketing List now: Modern Millie . Modern Millie When an injury forced Millie Adrian to drop out of college where she was studying to be a teacher she found herself in a situation she’d never expected. Instead of teaching she took a corporate job and worked her way up to a project manager position. But she felt something was missing and began experimenting with social media while working full time. Fast-forward to today: Adrian is a full-time creator teaching other entrepreneurs how to build their brands on social land deals and develop followings.suggests solo creators batch tasks to stay on track. Here’s her method in her own words: Day : Research — I’d brain dump all video ideas into Trello what I’d use to organize my videos .
Day : Scripting — It takes me about three to five hours to script so I’ll dedicate one full day to scripting alone or outlining my videos with no distractions. Day : Filming — I’d film two to four videos in one day. Day +: Editing — I’d dedicate a few days to editing and scheduling my content. If you can hire a video editor that’s going to save you so much time! But she cautions: “I don’t do these as back-to-back days because that would lead me to burn out.