Content within the Acquisition Tunnel content within each phase to create a better relationship with our prospects. Mapping content across all each of these phases means we can quickly see what is missing. Often, we lack content during the evaluation or purchase phase at the end of the tunnel. The infographic above suggests different inspiration for the types of content you could produce.
The Tunnel in Inbound Marketing For each phase of the Phone Number Data acquisition tunnel, we can prioritize the respective channels. Referencing and social networks are an essential upstream of the funnel, then retargeting will take over, then marketing automation. Each lever is systematically activated for different actions at each stage of the funnel. Mastering your marketing funnel is a crucial step in digital marketing and will be.
The basis of all your actions whether in content strategy or an inbound marketing strategy. While it isn’t written in stone, it is a good basis to begin your strategic planning and as an operational monitoring tool. You may have noticed it: Google displayed favicons on search result pages for a week. A favicon is an icon or logo displayed in your Web browser top tab.