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Is it it a Truly Equitable Relationship









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-3-7 15:51:03 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
The Essential Objective of Internal Communication is To Be Uble to Improve Both The Process and the Results Obtained With respect to Performance and Quality of Work. Until A FEW DECADES AUG, MOST COMPANIES PUT ALL THEI ATTENTION AND EFFORTS INTO PLEASING POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS THROUG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES ... BUT THE LEFT ASSIDE ACTIVELY LISTENING TO THE DESIRES AND NEEDS OF THES. WHICH TRIGGRED A deterioration in the quality of work, Demotivation, Frustations and Even Physical and Mental Fatigue in The Workers; Because they were simply not taken into accounts part of a team but rather work was The Only Thing Essential for The Company. That's Why The Bursa Rates Were Hage .

It Sems That, Little By Little, The Rules of The Game Are Belarus WhatsApp Number Changing and The Wellbeing of Workers Is Becoming, Day by Day, a priority for companies. To do This, One of the Most Powerful Tools is internal communication, Which Favors The Underestanding and Participation of Bow Parts of A Company: The Work Team and the Contractors. And depending on the context, Through Communication Skills A Company Can Not Only Communicate, But also persuades, motivate, finding or qualify the human talent of its team mebers. The Importance of Internal Communication Thanks to Internal Communication, Contractors Are Also Seen For What They Are.

Flesh and Blood Humans Who Have their Own Communication Needs. In Short, Thanks to Internal Communication, Barrier Between Company and Employee is eliminated. Both parties are seen in Independent Beings Who has speech demands. A COMPANY IS INTERESTED IN COMMUNICATING TO ITS TEAM WHAT ITS EXPECTATIONS ARE IN TERMS OF RESES, AND THE WORK TEAM IS INTERESTED IN COMMUNICATING WHAT And Imagine That You are in a Relationship in which you do not liste to your partner's concerts and you only focus on expansing your staff needs and demands Obviously not ...


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