The discussion about labor law began with the Industrial Revolution, at the end of the 18th century. Labor relations in the cradle of the industrial capitalist system were carried out directly between employers and workers, without State intervention or regulation. In this way, work and pay were defined by employers, offering positions to those who accepted the conditions. This relationship resulted in precarious and inhumane work conditions. 16-hour days, men, women and children working in factories without protection or supervision, unworthy wages, workers getting sick and no protection in cases of unemployment or work accidents. These conditions, repeated around the world, caused workers to organize themselves as a category, creating unions to be able to mobilize in the achievement of rights that protect the worker and the work relationship, offering dignified and safe conditions for this.
These autonomous movements of workers awakened the need for laws and legal relationships that protected work and workers, creating support systems, in addition to providing minimum Albania Phone Number contractual criteria (such as the minimum wage, the limit on working hours, among other achievements). Download a timesheet and control your team's workload Read too: Labor reform: main changes and impacts Labor Compliance: what it is, advantages and how to apply Intermittent contract: complete guide on the subject Employment contract: types, characteristics and how to manage PAT Law: complete guide [updated 2023] Labor law in Brazil In Brazil, specifically, the discussion about labor law began at the end of the 19th century, due to slavery, which was only abolished in the country in 1888, and due to the little industrialized economy, mainly based on agriculture.
Even so, there was movement in the country, at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, to establish laws and protections in labor relations, such as the prohibition of child labor (under 12 years of age), the limitation of hours worked and even the mandatory vacation provision. However, these movements were sparse, without a legislative set of standards for regulating and protecting work and workers. This changed in 1923, with the creation of the National Labor Council (CNT), a body that primarily aimed to establish the rules created by the International Labor Organization (ILO) after the First World War. In 1934, however, during the first government of Getúlio Vargas, the first Brazilian Constitution to deal with labor law emerged, marking the country's economic change, which began to invest more in industry and less in agriculture.