Optimizing the user experience is therefore the key to improving your conversion rate. The first thing to do when creating the site is to ensure that it is intuitive to use. If users have trouble finding the information they are looking for, the risk that they will leave is very high. user to take the time to visit it instead of visiting that of the competitor. To do this, you must respect the 3 clicks rule: the user must find the information they are looking for in less than 3 clicks. Beyond that, he will leave the site. Read: 6 free tools to measure the speed of my site.
The different advantages of UX design Gain a competitive advantage Today, offering WhatsApp Number List awebsite has become a certain standard in marketing strategies. It has therefore become essential to stand out from competitors. Thus, optimizing the customer experience will allow you to generate more leads . Lower the costs It's less costly for your business to fix all the bugs upfront than to fix them later. You will therefore save on site redesign costs.
Additionally, the smoother the usage, the less you will spend on user support costs. To summarize, development and maintenance expenses will be lower. Retain user loyalty The better the user experience, the more likely they will return to your site and become a regular and loyal visitor. He will also be more likely to recommend it to those around him. Encourage the act of purchasing When an Internet user visits a site, if he easily finds the information he is looking for and feels safe there, the probability that he will make a purchase becomes considerably greater.