This is the summary of the book 'Welcome to the desert of the real' Ed Akal nd Ed. which I later analyze for the readers of Nuevatribuna : Is the war against terrorism launched by Bush and carried out relentlessly by the war machine? American the coherent response of a rational analysis of the contemporary world or the atavistic expression of a panic terror that does not in any way question the very foundations of our pact with the brutal reality of contemporary capitalism? In what ways do the progressive criticism and politics of advanced countries - comfortably installed in an unbridgeable division of wealth power and security with respect to the global South - accommodate the stony reality of the inequality of the world economy and society?
Are democracy and fundamentalism the concepts that allow us to think about the strategic civilizational options of the coming years or do these overcoded concepts only invite a paroxysmal destruction of an imaginary enemy that makes a dispassionate CXB Directory diagnosis of the world in which we live impossible ? In this book Slavoj Zizek sharply penetrates the mourning work of our unconscious circuits to come to terms with reality after the ibrounprecedented impact of the attacks of September and March forcefully stating that only a political living up to the nakedness of really existing capitalist power can free us from the quagmires of neoliberalism multiculturalism and ethno - nationalist drift. Its author Slavoj Zizek of Slovenian origin and currently a professor at the University of London is considered the most controversial political analyst of our time.
In the introduction to this text he tells an old joke from the former German Democratic Republic GDR: “A German worker gets a job in Siberia. Aware that his mail will be read by the censors he tells his friends: let's establish a code: if the letter I send you is written in blue ink what it says in it will be true; If it is written in red ink it will be false. A month later his friends receive their first letter written in blue ink: everything is wonderful here the only thing you can't get is red ink. Zizek says that the truly interesting thing that this joke wants to convey to us is that the mention of the lack of red ink produces the effect of truth independently of its own literal truth.